Medicaid Waivers

Medicaid Waivers

Medicaid Waivers help provide services to people who would otherwise be in a nursing home or hospital receiving long-term care in their community.  Medicaid Waiver Programs allow recipients to ‘waive’ institutionalization and instead choose to direct services to assist them continuing to live in the community. Waiver program services may offer additional supports and services than provided by traditional Medicaid.

Many people who qualify for waiver services are not even aware that they exist. Families struggle alone, to provide care- creating economic, physical, and emotional strain. States do not educate people about these programs, and it is often only through crisis that people realize help is available.

IHM can help.  We understand all there is to know about Medicaid Waivers.  The waiting period to get onto a waiver program, can be many years, and varies by state.  Forty-four (44) states and the District of Columbia have received waivers to provide home and community based services to people with developmental disabilities (DD). Depending on each state’s DD definition, these waivers may cover services to people with autism.

IHM is well versed on the varied criteria and services provided by each State.   We know that waiver eligibility does not transfer from state to state which is a huge problem for families who wish to move.  We also understand that the services vary by state since funding comes from each state’s own budget which is matched with federal dollars distributed among the states.

Ask us about our experience in assisting clients with Medicaid Waivers.


Schedule a free consultation!

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